Member Forum - Future Unlocked! #ECIS21 - ONLINE EVENT

Member Forum - Future Unlocked! #ECIS21 - ONLINE EVENT

This years ECBN Member Forum with General Assembly and member services as an ONLINE CONFERENCE.

By Gerin Trautenberger

Date and time

Sun, 12 Sep 2021 04:00 - 09:00 PDT



About this event

The #ECIS21 starts with a ECBN general assembly and members' forum, where the members meet and exchange information about their latest projects and debate about the developments in the European creative economy. All ECBN members are invited to participate in this hybrid format to take part in the debates and exchange ideas of their project proposals. This part will be followed by presenting the ECBN Funding Academy with the Topic "Seven common mistakes while writing applications for EU grand applications" and debating the strategic outlook of ECBN til 2027, especially the contribution of CCI to the European Green Deal, the "Great Green Creative Industries". The Member Forum finally focuses research on the role of CCI in the National Recovery Programs across Europe and advocacy for funding in 2022. Here the ECBN members are called up to play an active role in framing EU funding for the future.

This event will be open to members only and hold as an ONLINE CONFERENCE.

13.00 Online Reception

13.15 Start & Welcome

13.20 - 13.50 General Assembly of ECBN

ECBN Member Forum

14.00 Meet & Match Partners´ Projects ("Pecha Kucha"): Bernd Fesel/ Gerin Trautenberger

14.45 Pause

15.00 ECBN Funding Academy: PITCH PERFECT - Or, how to fail in writing EU funding bids. Seven common mistakes while writing applications for EU grand applications." : Gisa Gschosswohl/ Gerin Trautenberger

15.30 ECBN Strategy 2021-2027: The Great Green Creative Industries / The European Green Deal, Statement on the Impact of the New European Bauhaus (Michela Magas)

Debate & Discussions with plenum

16.00 ECBN Research 2021 CCI in COVID-19, National Recovery Programs

16.30 ECBN Advocacy 2022 Proposing Calls for HE 2022: ECBN looks for 10 topics which can be introduced to the next EU funding round by answering the Question: "What are the most promising and forward looking topics in EU Calls?"

17.00 Closing Words

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